The Journal of J: Photography

There’s something utterly satisfying about the clicking sound triggered by the press of a camera’s shutter release button. 

For almost longer than I’ve had any other passion, other than probably baseball, I’ve loved photography. I don’t know where exactly it started. I think I always just liked how cool cameras were and how amazing taking a photograph was. I always dreamed of being a National Geographic photographer partly for the photography and party for the travel and animals. 

From this I definitely had influences that helped kindle my photography fire. My mom was always a picture person, my uncle helped cultivate my eye for it, and a family friend taught me how to develop film. All in all I grew to love the art that is photographing the world around us.

I’ve spent most of my life shooting with film. Up until only a few years ago did I finally make the switch to digital. I still love film and love that it has seen a resurgence recently of people enjoying the mechanical magic that are film loaded cameras. 

However going digital did help me to take more pictures, experiment more, and in the end, become a better photographer. To that I also owe some thanks to the people I get to shoot with regularly.

Friends that can talk shop & hunt image. People that push me further and help me strive for more out of my art. 

Taking pictures isn’t just a way to show an image of the world. More importantly it’s the way to capture a viewpoint, a feeling, an emotion, it’s something that when done right is worth a thousand words. 

So there you have it, keep shooting kids.

Post Blog: Below are some shots from our latest photo squad adventurin'
